College Entrance Examination scores are above 400. There is no good choice for Higher Vocational Colleges in China and students with medium family economic conditions may consider studying in Italy. Because among the economic powers in Europe, Italy has the lowest tuition fees. In recent years, in order to attract Chinese students, the Italian government has provided more convenient undergraduate learning opportunities through the Marco Polo and Turandot programs
建校較早的著名大學有:1222年創(chuàng)立的帕多瓦大學、1303年創(chuàng)立的羅馬大學、1104年創(chuàng)立的維琴察大學、1213年創(chuàng)立的阿雷佐大學、 1224年創(chuàng)立的勒斯大學和1405年創(chuàng)立的都靈大學。還有比薩師范學校、帕維亞大學、比薩大學、米蘭大學等,都是歐洲著名的高等學府。
The famous universities were founded in 1222, Rome University in 1303, Vicenza University in 1104, Arezo University in 1213, Russ University in 1224 and Turin University in 1405. There are also the Pisa Normal School, the University of Pavia, the University of Pisa and the University of Milan, all of which are well-known institutions of higher learning in Europe.
In Italian higher education, the most prestigious majors are law and art design, especially opera, plastic arts, architecture and fashion design. If Chinese students go to Italy to study art, stage setting, singing, performance, architectural design, fashion majors such as fashion design, jewelry design, the employment situation is very good.
據(jù)介紹,意大利對本國學生和國際學生的收費標準一致,本科生一年的注冊費300—1000歐元。同時,在意大利就讀的生活費也比其他歐洲國家低,一年總開銷最多在1萬歐元左右 (折合人民幣約10萬元),平均8000歐元。
According to reports, Italian students and international students are charged the same fees, undergraduate registration fees of 300 - 1000 euros a year. Meanwhile, the cost of living in Italy is also lower than that in other European countries. The total annual expenditure is around 10,000 euros (equivalent to about 100,000 yuan), averaging 8,000 euros.
During the course of professional courses, they can also receive a grant of 1700-4300 and a certain amount of scholarship every academic year. In daily life, foreign students can enjoy free medical treatment as long as they participate in the unified student health insurance. They also have 20 hours of part-time work per week, and can get 200-500 euros in compensation.
我國學生申請意大利留學必須具有高中畢業(yè)證書,且畢業(yè)證書都要翻譯成意大利文,而且要得到意大利外交使館和領(lǐng)事館的確認和證明。普通高中生要求高考成績400分以上;藝術(shù)類考生要求:{高考成績+(藝術(shù)成績/藝術(shù)總分)*750}/2> 400分。